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Questions tagged [user-profile-page]

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4 votes
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Inconsistent aspect ratio

My image appears with different aspect ratios in different locations, making it difficult to wear a hat properly. I tried replacing my old GIF image with a PNG version, but it still changes. The ...
John Kormylo's user avatar
  • 83.9k
3 votes
1 answer

Is the "Activity" portion of the User page malfunctioning?

Currently when I visit my user page and select Activity and then Summary, the vote count for the Answers portion appears to be the vote count for the question rather than for my answer. Was there a ...
Sandy G's user avatar
  • 47.3k
2 votes
0 answers

Missed the time of the day, hour, minute on every profile?

I've noticed, and I hope that I'm not wrong, that every user profile is missing the time and the date when they last logged in TeX.SE. The question, although synthetic, refers to the opening or ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
  • 57.8k
2 votes
1 answer

A different number of downvotes

Into my personal page I have voted down only 4-times. Why do I have 14 votes down?
Sebastiano's user avatar
  • 57.8k
5 votes
1 answer

What is the boundary for acceptable user profile images?

I recently came across a user profile that I felt was offensive and was wondering there are any rules in place for the type of content one can post in your profile. Is everything OK, even, say, ...
user avatar
22 votes
0 answers

Someone has written 100 thousand (!) answers (graphic design bug)

I was really surprised to see that egreg has written 100570 answers! I thought it's a bit too much, and indeed -- it is. The number of answers blends into the number of questions. In my opinion, this ...
yo''s user avatar
  • 52k
9 votes
0 answers

Misalignment of badges/numbers on user-profile page

The current user-profile page shows the badges/numbers looking like this: Here is a similar view of the top-bar: I think the vertical alignment of the badges in the user-profile view should match ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
9 votes
1 answer

Why do some users have a flyout appear when you hover over their names

Just curious. Why do some users have a flyout appear when you hover over their names. It is quite nice. Can this be enabled for any user or is it a reputation based thing?
McGafter's user avatar
  • 2,306
6 votes
1 answer

Tag scores all zero on user's profile page

Some users have zero score for all of their tags on their profile pages, even though they obviously have non-zero reputation: Here are some examples of users: User 15662, 24323, 25993, 27638 I'm not ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
8 votes
1 answer

Can a profile picture have an alpha channel?

This is really not very important, but it bugs me. It seems impossible to get a profile picture with a transparent part. Even if I upload a picture with an alpha channel, the system seems to remove ...
jub0bs's user avatar
  • 59.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Personal bookmarks

Is it possible to mark questions as personal bookmarks on my profile page? A list of my own questions is displayed but I wonder how I can add other interesting questions I would like to remember!?
lpdbw's user avatar
  • 8,380
11 votes
2 answers

Reputation tool-tip dash/minus ambiguity

When looking at a user page and at "Reputation", hoovering the mouse over some day, then the tool-tip reads something like "Friday, Nov 25, 2011 - 42 reputation", which means "+42 reputation", not "-...
Stephen's user avatar
  • 15.3k
13 votes
1 answer

What is flag weight?

I have no idea what flag weight stands for. Which is better, having low flag weight or high flag weight? Could you elaborate on it?
kiss my armpit's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

New user profile page!

A redesigned user profile page is online on, the meta site for the entire stackexchange network. They're looking for feedback before they release the new layout for the entire ...
doncherry's user avatar
  • 55.5k
5 votes
2 answers

Flag weight displayed wrong

I just remarked that my flag weight is shown as 510.0000 instead of 510. Has anyone else seen the same problem?
Thorsten's user avatar
  • 13k
5 votes
1 answer

Sorting users by reputation: "top X%" is off by a factor of 10

Looking at (e.g.) my own user page, I'm listed as "top 0.89% overall". As I'm no. 5 of >5000 users at the moment, this should be "top 0.089% overall".
lockstep's user avatar
  • 254k
10 votes
1 answer

Changing and keeping a user avatar/icon

The user avatar (the icon besides your username) is taken from the independent site by converting the given email address on the user profile and turning it into an MD5 hash. ...
Martin Scharrer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

All editing icon buttons lost when entering edit mode for the user profile

I got surprised when entering edit mode for our user profile. No icon button for editing left. Where are they? I need icon buttons to insert image, make header, make bulleted lists, etc. It also ...
Display Name's user avatar
  • 47.9k