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8 votes

When is it better to revisit an old answered question?

An old question may have existing answers with many votes already, so a new answer that's more up-to-date and even more recommendable would start with less votes. It may get better over time, ...
Stefan Kottwitz's user avatar
  • 236k
6 votes

Draft function of a stand-by question

This is a network-wide functionality that has been implemented since 2010 (with some modifications over time): If you start asking a question, but do not successfully submit, you will see your last ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
6 votes

Asking a new questions opens and old question

All posts are saved before posting as a draft once every 45 seconds. You'll notice a draft saved below the post: Only once the draft is saved, the discard draft option will be made available. ...
Werner's user avatar
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5 votes

Uploading custom cls file

It is very rare to need an entire custom class. Almost always you can use a standard class, or failing that a publicly available class, and add whatever custom code is needed to the preamble of the ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
5 votes

How does one add a LaTeX output to a question/answer?

Maybe this could be useful for someone: the convert command of ImageMagick has an option which allows you to cut out the written part of an image: -trim +repage. If you use arara package you may use ...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
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5 votes

How does one add a LaTeX output to a question/answer?

I wrote a small bash script, that I would like to share here, that converts a LaTeX source to a png image. It runs simple a combination of latexmk for pdf generation, pdftoppm (from the poppler ...
jlab's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any way (keyboard shortcut) to shift an enitre piece of text?

take a look at the line of icons above the answer box. one of them is {} -- that indicates "code". highlight the lines in your answer that you want presented as code, then click on the {}. done! ...
barbara beeton's user avatar
2 votes

How does one add a LaTeX output to a question/answer?

In the particular case of a beamer question with overlays, it is often useful to attach the output in the form of an (animated) GIF. The answer to that (brought to me courtesy of @Schrödinger'scat) ...
mimuller's user avatar
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