I have observed several times now that new users (just a few questions, rep below 50, but definitely no robots) try to participate in discussions, but since commenting is a privilege requiring at least 50 reps and answering isn't, they add their comments as answers. Isn't this a bit weird? This just generates "low quality answers" keeping us busy and frustration on the side of the new users.
Is it possible to lower the threshold for commenting, say to 5 or 10? If not, shouldn't our policy then be to lift new users that look reasonable as quickly as possible above this limit by upvoting their first questions?
Edit: Thanks for the informative answers and comments. Here's a summary.
Changing the reputation limit for commenting is not an option since it is managed site-wide.
Commenting on one's own post is not restricted by the reputation level anyway.
The reason for allowing new users to answer but not to comment is that SE is set up in a way such that answers are reviewed but comments aren't, so problematic answers are less of a problem than problematic comments, as paradoxical it may seem.
Upvoting for the sake of granting the privilege for commenting is not considered as adequate by all.
The current procedure for handling answers/comments seems to work well enough, no need for changes.