Answer deleted by moderator because "not good practice"
For a more complete picture: that answer has been flagged two times:
as being "not an answer"
for having "very low quality"
So for me the completed question becomes: should a ...
How tell who deleted an answer and when?
This was an answer deleted by its owner (Mico):
Such views (like the one above) are only available to users with at least 10K reputation as part of the moderator tools privilege. However, it is still ...
- 615k
Request for minimum time and/or moderation attention before an Answered Question can be deleted
Rather than asking the system for protection, you might relax your expectations from answering a question.
Lately I don't have access to a working TeX installation, hence I'm trying to answer things ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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