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10 votes

What is the meaning of the dots within the review queue drop-down?

A grey dot appears next to the review queue if there is something to review in that queue. This grey dot turns red if there is a sufficiently large number of reviews within that queue, denoting some ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
9 votes

Should we really delete low quality answers?

Keep in mind that the processes are set up for the entire network, and in some (many?) cases the nature by one of the largest networks - Stack Overflow - governs the implementation. There you ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
5 votes

Mood of question closing

Did you ever have similar thoughts/concerns? No. The use of the review queue should not guide you on things that require attention. If you see something that needs attention and it's not in the ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k

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