No. This site is meant to focus on typesetting/programming using TeX (and its derivatives and closely related software) and it should stick to it.
Typesetting in general is too broad a topic to be covered on this site and it has so many aspects (think of typesetting math, music, in a certain language, on specific materials using a certian technique ...) which alone are worth discussing on their own site. Cartain aspects of typesetting are therefore better asked at , or or somewhere else entirely (maybe even on a new site) depending on the context.
Typesetting can actually be done using a huge variety of tools (digital as well as analog). You say that TeX is the dominant player which to my understanding can only be true if exclude all tools that are not programming languages explicitly dedicated to typesetting. But if we say that this site is about "programming languages explicitly dedicated to typesetting" this feels just like rephrasing things and using a description of TeX in exchange for its name.
Also, you actually can typeset using whatever programming language you choose. If we expand the scope of this site to typesetting (even in the most narrow sense), the original focus on TeX might well vanish completely and people won't be able to find answers to questions related to TeX. Finally, TeX can do more than only typesetting, and questions related to such things are on-topic on this site currently, whereas they might not be if we change the scope as you suggest.