There was a recent "poll" here on Meta.TeX.SE asking about the use of generative AI in answers. Read all about it here:
The results from that discussion were mixed. However, current network policy is to disallow AI-generated answers. While there's no effective way of moderating this (as there's no guarantee of always getting true positive/negative evaluations from posts by heuristics), content moderation of such answers is allowed (see the discussion under the heading AI-generated posts in Moderation strike: Results of negotiations ; also the accepted answer here).
The consequence is a request from Stack Exchange to have a per-site discussion on whether or not to place a banner at the top of the answer box stating that AI-generated answers are not allowed. A pilot was recently graduated on SO; here is a visual of the banner:
The current proposal, if the community wants this banner, is to have one of the following options:
We will initially offer two banner text options that all sites in the Stack Exchange network can opt-in to. Those options are the following:
Reminder: Answers generated by artificial intelligence tools are not allowed on TeX - LaTeX. Learn more
Reminder: Answers generated by artificial intelligence tools must be cited on TeX - LaTeX. Learn more
Both options have a "Learn more" link, which will point to a help center article, whose contents should also be a part of the community discussion - this article should explain what the site's policy on AI-generated content is (here's SO's article, as an example).
The banner will display once users select the answer field, removing the ability to show the "new contributor" banner. All users will see this banner when posting an answer with the option to dismiss. Once dismissed, logged-in users will not see this banner again.
For Action
Participate by casting a vote to this question either in favour of such a banner (up-vote) or against it's display in the answer box (down-vote).
If you'd like to add a general item of discussion on this topic or propose content related to a specific help center article, please post an answer below.
If there's no real success in this endeavour (minimal voting, a close-to-zero score with plenty of votes, or complete community disinterest with a large negative score, for example), the status quo will probably remain.
Update (Feb 10, 2024)
The response to this question has very low. A total of 17 votes (14 in favour and 3 against). That doesn't sound like sufficient evidence to make a decision either way.
Regardless, StackExchange has made the decision to roll out a network-wide Help Center article that will become available as of February 14th, 2024 (see Proposed changes to Help Center articles to include mention of AI-generated content policy). This article will contain the default messaging related to AI-generated content as mentioned in the Code of Conduct, which is that it should be cited (see Is uncited LLM usage considered a CoC violation under the Inauthentic Usage policy?). Sites can update the article to suit their individual needs/recommendations.
Debate around the activation of a banner is still open as "no site will have either banner on by default".