As everybody knows, we have copious amounts of graphics-related tags on TeX-SE. I've been thinking for some time to try and write up a tag wiki for at least the popular ones, but that seems to be quite tricky as some of the tags are applied inconsistently at times. Actually, having a set of well-defined wikis will also help with the (re)tagging policy.
As the number of tags is quite long, I think we might have one CW post per tag, so that there is place for comments on each answer. Also, since it's going to be different to judge when a tag wiki is good enough, vote for a tag wiki only when you are satisfied with its content. Vote count of something between 5 and 10 votes should be enough indication that the tag wiki is generally good, and the moderators (or those of sufficient privileges) can approve them.
The following template seems reasonable:
Tag name (use also the [tag:foo]
syntax to have it as a link directly to the tag in question on the main site)
The tags, in no particular order:
- tikz-pgf
approved - figures written
- graphics
writtensubmitted - graphicx
- pstricks
- diagrams written
- floats
writtensubmitted - pgfplots
- picture
- drawing
Related and not-so-popular:
- nodes
- node-connections (do we need this?)
- external-images
- includegraphics
- subfigure, subfloat (to be merged?) written
- positioning, placement (ditto)
I have probably missed some as well, feel free to edit them in.