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Jasper Habicht's user avatar
Jasper Habicht
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Should the site scope be broaden to typesetting?
@Ooker No, what I was trying to say was that your argument is a bit contradictory. On the one hand you say that we should expand the scope of this site to "typesetting". In my opinion that would include a huge scope of different tools. Then you say that TeX is one of a few typesetting tools, but if it really is, then changing the scope would not change much. I think, that whether or not TeX is "the real" tool for typesetting is a matter of opinion really and we should probably not base the scope of this site on an opinon.
Do we want to volunteer to test the lowered voting privilege?
Voting is the major mechanism of StackExchange sites. A lot depends on this mechanism. If you only need to create an account to vote (which is totally free), the door is open for virtually everybody to just vote for whatever reason. The current "hurdle" for voting prevents abuse and I would thus strongly advise against tearing down this protection.
Asking a question about a (partly) AI-generated PGFPlots graphic
I personally see no problem with you posting what you achieved so war, be it with the help of an AI bot or not. At least I will be happy trying to help and I am sure others around here will, too. The animosity against AI on this site is rather related to answers: Answers that are generated by an AI should not be bluntly posted here, especially not without prior testing whether this answer really works. But as for questions, I would argue, that posting some AI constructed (non-working) code is totally fine, especially if you already tried to fix it on your own.
Should AI answers be banned?
I am especially upvoting the addtion! Currently these AI-answers seem to flood this site which is even more annoying than having some AI-generated (maybe even helpful) answers somewhere on this site.
Should AI answers be banned?
People should be free to use whatever tool they want, including AI of course, But the problem currently really is that there exist multiple accounts that obviously just post AI-generated answers regardless of whether they are actually working or solving the OP's question at all or whether or not a similar (probably as well AI-generated) answer has already been posted or not. Also, these accounts to not seem to react to comments such as "This does not work, how to improve your answer?". This is not the way this site is intended to work and in my opinion really comes very close to spam.
Is the "Activity" portion of the User page malfunctioning?
No, the OP's question is not about the responsiveness. But I don't get this bug: As for today, when I check the votes for the Answers in the Summary section, these are indeed the votes for the answers and also the time is the time when the answer was posted.
Formatting Sand-Box
this should work \\​ ...
Formatting Sand-Box
does this work \\ more text?