Scott Morrison made a few comments in the domain name thread calling himself a "shameless elitist".
I guess it's a good question to ask then: how "elite" is this site? Do we aim for every kind of TeX question? Is it going to be experts only? For package developers/maintainers only? For LaTeX3 developers only?
Is someone who just enrolled at University, and has to figure out how to write his first assignment in TeX going to be welcome on this site?
I haven't followed MathOverflow closely, but it's my impression that they chose to go aim for a certain minimum skill level, excluding a lot of beginner questions. That probably makes sense for their domain (to avoid it getting flooded with second-graders asking for help with questions about subtraction). But what's our policy going to be?
I think we should follow a similar policy to StackOverflow, that no question is too simple. I certainly want expert users to use the site, but I also think a big part of its value is that it might provide a useful repository for beginners and for people just trying to get simple tasks done.
But let's throw it out in the open and see what everyone else thinks.