I am submitting my name as the result of a concerted campaign in chat to persuade me to do so. I do not think I deserve to be nominated and so I cannot give any reasons in favour of my nomination. I have only been a member of the site for just over a year. I have learnt a lot and it has been fun. But I only joined because somebody reported that people could not typeset Polish with a font support package I'd published on CTAN, and I needed to know if the fonts themselves provided sufficient resources for Polish in order to determine whether or not an update would actually solve the problem. So it was all something of an accident, I really don't know what I'm doing, and I think there are many much more deserving candidates. I recommend voting for them.
% adapted (simplified version) from tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarybackgrounds.code.tex
on foreground layer/.style={%
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on foreground layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
on pen layer/.style={
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on pen layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
on corff layer/.style={
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on corff layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
stripiau cwt/.style={draw=#1, very thin, shorten >=-5mm, shorten <=-5mm, double=#1, double distance=3.5mm},
stripiau corff/.style={very thin, draw=#1, fill=#1},
trwyn/.style={circle, yshift=1.25mm, minimum width=2.5mm, inner sep=0pt},
llenwi cath/.style={fill=#1},
llygaid/.style n args=2{inner color=#1, outer color=#2, ultra thick, draw},
pics/cath a/.style n args=5{
[ultra thick]
\begin{pgfonlayer}{pen}% ref. workaround from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/218166/ (Mark Wibrow)
\begin{scope}[very thin]% [on pen layer={very thin}]
\path [clip]
(0,10mm) coordinate (pen1) arc (90:65:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.75] (pp1) coordinate (pen2)
arc (65:45:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen3)
arc (45:-60:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.05] (pp4) coordinate [pos=.4] (pp5) coordinate [pos=.45] (pp8) coordinate [pos=.75] (pp9) coordinate (pen8)
arc (-60:-90:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen10)
arc (-90:-120:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen9)
arc (-120:-225:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.25] (pp10) coordinate [pos=.55] (pp11) coordinate [pos=.6] (pp6) coordinate [pos=.95] (pp7) coordinate (pen4)
arc (-225:-245:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen5)
arc (-245:-270:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.25] (pp2)
\path [stripiau corff=#1]
(pp2) [out=-45, in=95] to ($(pen1) - (0,10mm)$) coordinate (pp3) [out=85, in=-135] to (pp1) |- +(5mm,5mm) -| cycle
(pp4) [out=-135, in=25] to +(-7.5mm,-4mm) [out=-25, in=115] to (pp5) -| +(5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pp7) [out=-45, in=155] to +(7.5mm,-4mm) [out=-155, in=65] to (pp6) -| +(-5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pp8) [out=-135, in=-25] to +(-17.5mm,0mm) [out=-45, in=115] to (pp9) -| +(5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pp11) [out=-45, in=-155] to +(17.5mm,0mm) [out=-135, in=65] to (pp10) -| +(-5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pen2) ++(4mm,7.5mm) coordinate (pen6)
(pen5) ++(-4mm,7.5mm) coordinate (pen7);
\path [rounded corners=1pt, llenwi cath=#2]
(pen1) arc (90:65:19mm and 20mm)
[out=80, in=-110] to (pen6) [out=-80, in=85] to
(pen3) arc (45:-225:19mm and 20mm)
[out=95, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to
(pen5) arc (-245:-270:19mm and 20mm);
\begin{scope}[on foreground layer={ultra thick}]
\draw [rounded corners=1pt, ultra thick]
(pen1) arc (90:65:19mm and 20mm)
[out=80, in=-110] to (pen6) [out=-80, in=85] to
(pen3) arc (45:-225:19mm and 20mm)
[out=95, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to
(pen5) arc (-245:-270:19mm and 20mm);
\path [name path=corff]
(pen9) [out=-160, in=115] to ++(-10mm,-65mm) coordinate (corff2)
(pen8) [out=-20, in=65] to coordinate [pos=.25] (corff4) ++(+10mm,-65mm)coordinate (corff1)
[out=-115, in=0] to ($(corff1 -| pen1) + (0,-10mm)$) coordinate (corff3)
[out=180, in=-65] to (corff2)
\begin{scope}[on foreground layer={ultra thick}]
(pen10) -- ++(0,7.5mm) coordinate (ceg1)
[out=-45, in=180] to +(5mm,-2.5mm) coordinate (ceg2)
[out=0, in=-100] to +(2.5mm,3.5mm) coordinate (ceg3)
[out=-135, in=0] to +(-5mm,-2.5mm) coordinate (ceg4)
[out=180, in=-80] to +(-2.5mm,3.5mm) coordinate (ceg5)
\path (ceg1)
node (trwyn1) [trwyn, anchor=west] {}
node (trwyn2) [trwyn, anchor=east] {};
($(trwyn1)!1/2!(trwyn2)$) coordinate (trwyn) [out=10,in=140] to +(25mm,7.5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-10, in=120] to +(.5mm,-5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-40, in=130] to +(-1.5mm,-5mm)
(trwyn) [out=170,in=40] to +(-25mm,7.5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-170, in=60] to +(-.5mm,-5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-140, in=50] to +(1.5mm,-5mm)
\path (ceg1)
node (trwyn1) [trwyn, draw, ball color=#5, anchor=west] {}
node (trwyn2) [trwyn, draw, ball color=#5, anchor=east] {};
\draw [name path=coesau, ultra thick, llenwi cath=#2]
($(pen10)!1/3!(corff3)$) coordinate (coesau) -- (corff3) [out=-90, in=135] to ++(.25mm,-1mm) coordinate (coes1)
arc (180:360:1.5mm and 1.5mm) coordinate (coes2)
arc (180:360:1.75mm and 2mm) coordinate (coes3)
arc (180:360:1.5mm and 1.5mm) coordinate (coes4)
[out=90, in=-75] to ($(corff3) + (5.5mm,2.5mm)$) coordinate (coes9)
[out=105, in=-90] to ($(coes9 |- coesau) + (3.5mm,1.5mm)$) coordinate (coes de)
(corff3) [out=-90, in=45] to ++(-.25mm,-1mm) coordinate (coes8)
arc (0:-180:1.5mm and 1.5mm) coordinate (coes5)
arc (0:-180:1.75mm and 2mm) coordinate (coes6)
arc (0:-180:1.5mm and 1.5mm) coordinate (coes7)
[out=90, in=-105] to ($(corff3) + (-5.5mm,2.5mm)$) coordinate (coes10)
[out=75, in=-90] to ($(coes10 |- coesau) + (-3.5mm,1.5mm)$) coordinate (coes chwith)
\begin{scope}[on background layer={ultra thick}]
\path [name path=cwt, draw, name intersections={of=corff and coesau, name=cc}, llenwi cath=#2]
[out=0, in=-115] to coordinate [pos=.5] (cwt1 hanner) ($(corff1) + (1.5mm,-2.5mm)$) coordinate (cwt1)
[out=65, in=-80] to
coordinate [pos=.125] (cwt2 hanner hanner hanner)
coordinate [pos=.25] (cwt2 hanner hanner)
coordinate [pos=.375] (cwt2 hanner hanner a hanner)
coordinate [pos=.5] (cwt2 hanner)
coordinate [pos=.625] (cwt2 hanner a hanner hanner)
coordinate [pos=.75] (cwt2 hanner a hanner)
coordinate [pos=.875] (cwt2 hanner a hanner a hanner) ($(corff4) + (7.5mm,0)$) coordinate (cwt2)
[out=100, in=0] to coordinate [pos=.5] (cwt3 hanner) +(-2.5mm,12.5mm) coordinate (cwt3)
[out=180, in=100] to coordinate [pos=.5] (cwt4 hanner) (corff4)
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background}% ref. workaround from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/218166/ (Mark Wibrow)
\begin{scope}[ultra thick]%[on background layer={ultra thick}]
\path [clip]
[out=0, in=-115] to (cwt1)
[out=65, in=-80] to (cwt2)
[out=100, in=0] to (cwt3)
[out=180, in=100] to (corff4)
\foreach \i/\j in {cwt3 hanner/cwt4 hanner,cwt2/corff4}
\path [stripiau cwt=#1]
(\i) [out=130, in=-50] to (\j);
\foreach \i in {cwt1 hanner, cwt1, cwt2 hanner hanner hanner, cwt2 hanner hanner, cwt2 hanner hanner a hanner, cwt2 hanner, cwt2 hanner a hanner hanner, cwt2 hanner a hanner, cwt2 hanner a hanner a hanner}
\path [stripiau cwt=#1]
(\i) [out=130, in=-50] to +(-20mm,2.5mm);
\path [draw, ultra thick]
[out=0, in=-115] to (cwt1)
[out=65, in=-80] to (cwt2)
[out=100, in=0] to (cwt3)
[out=180, in=100] to (corff4)
\begin{pgfonlayer}{corff}% ref. workaround from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/218166/ (Mark Wibrow)
\begin{scope}[ultra thick]%[on corff layer={ultra thick}]
\draw [clip]
(pen8) [out=-20, in=65]
to coordinate [pos=.05] (cff1) coordinate [pos=.15] (cff2) coordinate [pos=.2] (cff3) coordinate [pos=.325] (cff4) coordinate [pos=.4] (cff5) coordinate [pos=.5] (cff6) coordinate [pos=.55] (cff7) coordinate [pos=.65] (cff8) coordinate [pos=.7] (cff9) coordinate [pos=.8] (cff10) coordinate [pos=.85] (cff11) coordinate [pos=.95] (cff12)
(corff1) [out=-115, in=0]
to coordinate [pos=.25] (cff13) coordinate [pos=.5] (cff14) coordinate [pos=.75] (cff15)
(cc-2) -- (cc-3) [out=180, in=-65]
to coordinate [pos=.25] (cff35) coordinate [pos=.5] (cff34) coordinate [pos=.75] (cff33) (corff2) [out=115, in=-160]
to coordinate [pos=.05] (cff32) coordinate [pos=.15] (cff31) coordinate [pos=.2] (cff30) coordinate [pos=.3] (cff29) coordinate [pos=.35] (cff28) coordinate [pos=.45] (cff27) coordinate [pos=.5] (cff26) coordinate [pos=.6] (cff25) coordinate [pos=.675] (cff24) coordinate [pos=.8] (cff23) coordinate [pos=.85] (cff22) coordinate [pos=.95] (cff21) (pen9)
arc (-120:-60:19mm and 20mm);
\path [llenwi cath=#2]
(pen8) [out=-20, in=65] to (corff1) [out=-115, in=0] to (cc-2) -- (cc-3) [out=180, in=-65] to (corff2) [out=115, in=-160] to (pen9) arc (-120:-60:19mm and 20mm);
\draw [stripiau corff=#1]
(cff1) [out=-135, in=-10] to +(-10mm,-7.5mm) [out=-30, in=170] to (cff2) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff3) [out=-155, in=-20] to +(-15mm,-7.5mm) [out=-35, in=140] to (cff4) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff5) [out=150, in=20] to +(-20mm,-2.5mm) [out=10, in=130] to (cff6) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff7) [out=125, in=-40] to +(-15mm,2.5mm) [out=-50, in=100] to (cff8) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff9) [out=115, in=-60] to +(-15mm,3.75mm) [out=-70, in=95] to (cff10) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff11) [out=105, in=-70] to +(-15mm,5mm) [out=-80, in=90] to (cff12) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
(corff1) [out=100, in=-80] to +(-12.5mm,8.5mm) [out=-85, in=90] to (cff13) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff14) [out=90, in=-90] to +(-8.5mm,7.5mm) [out=-100, in=90] to (cff15) -| +(5mm,0) |- cycle
\draw [stripiau corff=#1]
(cff21) [out=-45, in=-170] to +(10mm,-7.5mm) [out=-150, in=10] to (cff22) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff23) [out=-25, in=-150] to +(15mm,-7.5mm) [out=-145, in=40] to (cff24) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff25) [out=30, in=160] to +(20mm,-2.5mm) [out=170, in=50] to (cff26) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff27) [out=55, in=-140] to +(15mm,2.5mm) [out=-130, in=80] to (cff28) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff29) [out=65, in=-120] to +(15mm,3.75mm) [out=-110, in=85] to (cff30) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff31) [out=75, in=-110] to +(15mm,5mm) [out=-100, in=90] to (cff32) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(corff2) [out=80, in=-100] to +(12.5mm,8.5mm) [out=-95, in=90] to (cff33) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(cff34) [out=90, in=-90] to +(8.5mm,7.5mm) [out=-80, in=90] to (cff35) -| +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
\begin{scope}[on corff layer={ultra thick}]
(pen8) [out=-20, in=65] to (corff1) [out=-115, in=0] to (cc-2) -- (cc-3) [out=180, in=-65] to (corff2) [out=115, in=-160] to (pen9) arc (-120:-60:19mm and 20mm);
\draw [llygaid={#3}{#4}]
({$(pen1)!2/5!(pen10)$} -| {$(pen8)!3/4!(pen4)$}) coordinate (llygad chwith)
++(-5mm,0) coordinate (llygad chwith 1) [out=20, in=180] to ++(6mm,2.5mm) coordinate (llygad chwith 2) [out=0, in=120] to ++(4mm,-2.5mm)
[out=-120, in=0] to ++(-4mm,-2.5mm) [out=180, in=-20] to ++(-6mm,2.5mm)
\draw [llygaid={#3}{#4}]
({$(pen1)!2/5!(pen10)$} -| {$(pen9)!3/4!(pen3)$}) coordinate (llygad de)
++(5mm,0) coordinate (llygad de 1) [out=160, in=0] to ++(-6mm,2.5mm) coordinate (llygad de 2) [out=180, in=40] to ++(-4mm,-2.5mm)
[out=-40, in=180] to ++(4mm,-2.5mm) [out=0, in=-160] to ++(6mm,2.5mm)
\fill [ball color=black] (llygad chwith 1 -| llygad chwith 2) circle (2.5mm);
\fill [ball color=black] (llygad de 1 -| llygad de 2) circle (2.5mm);
\begin{scope}[on foreground layer={ultra thick}]
\draw [shorten >=1pt]
($(pen2)!7/10!(pen3)$) coordinate (clust1) [out=125, in=-80] to (pen6);
\draw [shorten >=1pt]
($(pen5)!7/10!(pen4)$) coordinate (clust2) [out=55, in=-100] to (pen7);
\begin{scope}% llenwi clust de
\clip (clust1) [out=125, in=-80] to (pen6) [out=-110, in=80] to (pen2) |- cycle;
\path [stripiau corff=#1, rounded corners=1pt]
(clust1) [out=125, in=-80] to (pen6) [out=-110, in=80] to (pen2) arc (65:45:19mm and 20mm)
\begin{scope}% llenwi clust chwith
\clip (clust2) [out=55, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to (pen5) |- cycle;
\path [stripiau corff=#1, rounded corners=1pt]
(clust2) [out=55, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to (pen5) arc (-245:-225:19mm and 20mm)
\node (bathodyn) [minimum width=10mm, inner sep=0pt, circle, circular glow={fill=#1}, text=#2!50, font=\large\bfseries, align=center] at ([yshift=10mm]coesau) {I \ding{164}\\TUG};
% dim yn ddefnyddiol ar hyn o bryd ond gobeithio bynnan nhw ar ôl iddyn nhw fix the bug!
\coordinate (-pen) at (pen1);
\coordinate (-clust chwith) at (pen7);
\coordinate (-clust de) at (pen6);
\coordinate (-cwt) at (cwt2);
\coordinate (-coes chwith) at (coes6);
\coordinate (-coes de) at (coes3);
\coordinate (-corff chwith) at (corff2);
\coordinate (-corff de) at (corff1);
\colorlet{lliw llygaid1}{Yellow1}
\colorlet{lliw llygaid2}{DarkOrange3}
\colorlet{lliw llygaid3}{Chartreuse1}
\colorlet{lliw llygaid4}{Green4}
\colorlet{lliw trwyn1}{LightPink2}
\colorlet{lliw trwyn2}{HotPink2}
\pic [xscale=-1] {cath a={cath1}{cath2}{lliw llygaid3}{lliw llygaid4}{lliw trwyn1}};
\pic at (57.5mm,0) {cath a={cath6}{cath5}{lliw llygaid1}{lliw llygaid2}{lliw trwyn2}};