The title is not very clear, so I'll just get to the point.
I recently asked this question: What package supports this kind of timeline? and a user suggested that I could share my finished work, so my version of the answer.
Assuming my work is different from the accepted answer but it still comes from it (so with some changes, some tweaks, etc), is it good practice for me to share it as an additional answer or it's not the case?
I am not sure other sites, or even this one, does it, but it'd be good to know. Please consider this question not just talking about my case, but also on a more general level, so that it can be applied to the whole audience of TeX SE. I'd especially appreciate answers from moderators or even SE team members, but obviously everyone is free to join the discussion.
Edit: Please note that I don't want to post an answer using the currently accepted one and then accept my own. This wasn't my intention. I'd only accept my answer (or someone else's) if the solution turned out to be better (and above all, different) than the current one.
What I wanted to do is simply provide an additional answer, where I showed my finished work (attributing the answer that helped me, of course). I'd be inclined to do this especially if I changed some options (i.e. customization of the accepted answer) so I could show them to the TeX audience.