Now that we have moderators we can merge duplicated questions. If a question is closed as a duplicate, should it be automatic that the questions be merged? Should there be a delay of a day or so to allow for anyone to protest (and/or vote to reopen)? If it has a vote to reopen, presumably it shouldn't be automatically merged.
We have about a few current cases where questions have been closed as duplicates:
- Using LaTeX, how can I restate a theorem, with the same theorem number, later in a paper?Using LaTeX, how can I restate a theorem, with the same theorem number, later in a paper?
- Filter .bib file for items that are actually used with \cite?Filter .bib file for items that are actually used with \cite?
- What are the most popular LaTeX packages?What are the most popular LaTeX packages?
- Are there any other packages defined to create a CV except the "moderncv" package?Are there any other packages defined to create a CV except the "moderncv" package?
- Class for Curriculum VitaeClass for Curriculum Vitae
- Is there a makefile system for LaTeX, etc?Is there a makefile system for LaTeX, etc?
(I may have missed some!)