On top right of the page next to the search box, the link between the "chat" and "about" links actually switches between "main" (meaning TeX.SX) and "meta" (circled).
this is also where a permanent link to the [TeX.SX FAQ](http://tex.stackexchange.com/faqhttps://tex.stackexchange.com/faq "TeX.SX "main site" FAQ") can be found (arrow).
In the search box next to the site menu, enclose tags in square brackets.
Example search: [color] [line-breaking] magaz
[color] [line-breaking] magaz
- I noticed some of my "common courtesies" edited away. I have seen that it is not customary to comment with "thank you" unless adding something "useful" and that extended back-and-forth commenting with a single user triggers a proposal to move the discussion to a chat. I believe this stems from the "wiki" philosophy of making this site a compendium of knowledge useful to future readers. I am still unsure of how, and what to write if I feel the impulse to. Can a discussion of best practices be included in the FAQthe FAQ?