# TeX.sx article/issue A special article/issue specially released for this great celebration. We could have short interviews with some of our members, an overview of our community, moderators analysis, chatroom pearls, LaTeX jokes<sup>1</sup>, comments on questions, statistics, and so forth. We could also give this issue a name and publish it three or four times per year. `:)` **Update:** We got so far: - I can provide some illustrations. - We will have a series of posts in our blog covering our birthday celebrations. - We can get statistics from these two resources: [TeX Community Polls](https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1564/tex-community-polls) and [How can we explore the content of TeX.SX?](https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1849/how-can-we-explore-the-content-of-tex-sx) - We already have lots of chatroom pearls, we just need to select them. - We have some (La)TeX jokes, from kittens and chickens to halloween costume suggestions. - We have two great interviewees: [egreg](http://tex.stackexchange.com/users/4427/egreg) and [lockstep](http://tex.stackexchange.com/users/510/lockstep). `:)` <sup>1<sup> <sub>Something like *Why did the TeX chicken cross the road* and others. `:)`</sub>