This is meant to start a discussion on etiquette and sustainability. It is very clear from looking at the answers that the first-page users are very quick to answer most questions. This of-course is because they are very knowledgeable and quick at the keyboard. I am worried about the long-term effect this behavior can have on both the newcomers **and** the first-page users: 1. I worry that first page users will get "burnt-out" by constantly answering "easy" questions. 2. I worry that newcomers who are a little slow and careful in writing their answer will feel up-started by the high-rep users and this will be a drain on their enthusiasm. 3. I worry about this site becoming a place to ask the gurus, rather than a community where everyone has something to give and to get. 4. I worry that this model is non-sustainable for the high-rep users will eventually feel that the site is taking too much time and effort since instead of focusing on the hard problems, they jump the gun on many of the questions. 5. I worry that this model is non-sustainable for the low-rep users since they get used to only asking questions and not answering any, and this can lead to a dependent mentality which is not very health... In short, I feel that the site would benefit greatly if the high-rep users were a little slower at the keyboard, giving an opportunity for the less-experienced users slowly edit and perfect their answer, as you know all other things being equal, there's a great "advantage" in putting the first answer, in terms of reputation and motivation... Of course, once a question has been unanswered for a while then clearly it is much better to have it answered than not...but I think we should seriously consider the benefits of making it easier for people to attempt a first answer.