We've had [a similar discussion](http://meta.tex.stackexchange.com/q/3541/5764) about a year ago. Originally it seemed like it received good attention, but I had the impression that interest dwindled as it because obvious that the benefit to the community was diminishing. Well, it did in my opinion, since it seemed benefit the wider community less and less..

Tread lightly with these types of questions as

1. it may solicit *primarily opinion-based answers* - what I think as being "good code" may differ from what others think; and

2. there may be little benefit to the community as a whole - formerly these were classified as *too localized*, while now it may be considered *off topic* or maybe "*unclear*", even though [it may not be off-topic nor unclear](http://meta.tex.stackexchange.com/q/4449/5764).

The first point is almost factual, and there's very little to argue about. The second is more subtle, and mostly visible to long-term users of the main site - people who've been around long enough to see what works and what doesn't.