I am the moderator who took action here.
It is a long-standing approach on the site that one of the things to bear in mind with moderator decisions is that each post has an association with an original author. This is visible for example in the history and on the main page as linked to the post. That means that their view has particular weight over-and-above 'general community standing'. This comes up from time to time where requests are made to delete questions which have answers posted that have a positive score: something the questioner ('OP') cannot do.
In the case at hand, the OP asked for redaction of the question and the answer to remove some information. As you note, the question here does not contain personal information and thus redaction did not make sense. However, they remained very unhappy about the presence of the question on the site. I therefore had to weigh up their right as the person with their name on the question against the wider considerations, in particular your time in answering and the community usefulness of the answer posted. I took the view that the usual balance applied, and that the right of the OP to request removal therefore took priority.
I am sure that the other moderators will review this decision in light of your post: they will have been notified of the presence of this new meta post.
Note that as a moderator, I am following established community norms in acting here and elsewhere. The community over time can and does evolve those norms. So if the consensus is that OPs should have less say in controlling their posts, that will inform future decisions on individual actions.
Following the discussion here, I have undeleted the post. It is clear that the community feeling is that the OP here is likely exceeding their rights in wanting the content to be removed.