In the recent days there has been a (thankfully) small trickle of questions migrated from Stack Overflow.
Here are two that I stumbled upon, probably there are more:
- How does one insert a backslash or a tilde into LaTeX?
- What is the difference between “Page Break” and “New Page”?
To be honest, I'm a bit unsure why these have been migrated here. They both seem to have good and accepted answers, although some responses are of dubious value at best, and are of the answers-should-be-comments
, or not-really-an-answer
Incidentally, the second question has already been asked and answered here in the olden days of TeX.SE:
I'm not even going to discuss the reputation these questions have accumulated, that would be another question entirely.
What I'm asking is really summarized in the title, but here are a few more points:
- What is the policy on migrating questions from other StackExchange sites, particularly related to Tex.SE?
- Why old and answered questions are migrated here, when the original inquirer is long gone, and we have better alternatives?
- Are we going to see this continuing in the future, and if yes, is this a Good Thing (tm)?
Perhaps I'm missing the point of migration, but I always thought it should be for (challenging) questions that are better answered somewhere else, not when they already have good and accepted answers.