There are a few questions on meta about what makes a question active, but I did not see any questions about the utility of making questions randomly active.
There is actually a mechanism at work on the site that most people disdain; spam postings on questions, which then have to be downvoted, flagged, and deleted. However, these spam posts frequently serve a useful function, to my mind---they make an "oldie but goodie" question active, so that it pops up the queue for those looking for recent site activity. That is how I recently came across, for example, this fascinating post: How to practice LaTeX?
Now don't get me wrong; I am as opposed to spam as anyone. But it would seem to me that a nice feature would be for SX to randomly make old questions active (without the accompanying spam). One can think of it as the featured question of the hour, or something like that, although "featured" implies a certain level of screening and thus human intervention. What I have in mind is, for example, one question per hour that is randomly chosen and made active. That would require no human intervention, but would allow a lot of older site wisdom to be reinvigorated over time, I think.
Am I crazy?