We get a relatively small number of questions which may be viewed as off-topic or opinion based on the site. For these, there is a certain amount of discussion which can be had and as pointed out by percusee you can argue things are not entirely consistent. As we are talking about value judgements that is perhaps not surprising.
Looking at the question here, there are arguments for both 'off-topic' and 'opinion-based'. I will take the two arguments separately.
In terms of topic, the PLOS ONE article seeks to compare TeX (LaTeX) with a word processor (Word). Thus at least in part it's already about something we don't cover: word processors. However, the bigger issue here for me is that the issue your question is raises is
Based on this study can we conclude that Word works better than LaTeX?
That's not about TeX and it's not about Word: it's about measuring productivity, specifically from the study in an academic setting but presumably more generally. That's a technical area (I'm sure there are experts on this type of measurement) but it's not what we cover as a site.
On the 'opinion-based' side, this is about more than 'there might be more than one answer'. (While the StackExchange model is best for questions where a single answer can be 'more correct' than any others, there is certainly some room for more nuanced situations.) Asking for a critique of a paper comparing Word and LaTeX on a site about TeX is only going to go one way, but it's hardly going to be objective. (Something like the 'grandma' question is clearly a bit of fun, so people are likely to give them more leeway, whereas some of the promotion questions may be given more slack as they are not directly about criticising other approaches.) The entire thing seems much better suited to a threaded discussion format, which chat does better than a question but which is really better on a mailing list or on Usenet.
Over all, to me the two areas together suggest that this is not a good fit for the site: TeX-sx isn't the best place for everything about TeX. The same might be said of some other questions, and I'd be wary of saying 'As X is open, Y must be allowed too.'.
[Note: While my name is currently down as closing the question, this is because I was asked to 'tidy up' the close reason from 'off-topic' to 'opinion-based' as this seemed perhaps better. I did not vote to close initially.]