I want to add this suggestion to linking guidelines: When linking to another question on TeX SE, the link text should have the question title in it. Compare:
See this question for more
See "I've just been told I have to write a minimal example, what is that?" for more information.
The second indicates where the link is going and gives important information about why it's relevant.
This is boilerplate so there's no reason it can't be detailed. For more general use, copy both. (There exist Firefox addons such as Copy with URL and Debate Copy which add a feature when you select linked text to copy both the text and the URL. It's in the contextual menu that appears after selection. So when linking to a question page, select the document title (which contains a link to the page itself), select "Copy with URL", paste into your answer, and reformat.)
(For Mac users, TextExpander + AppleScript + Curl can do this for you automatically with any URL, but let's not go there.)
Edited I now noticed that in answers SE URL's get their question titles inserted as the link text automatically. So to achieve the above output, it's easiest to type
See "<https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/228>" for more information.
The <>
is needed because of the quotes. Note that the quotes won't be part of the link with this method. Moreover, this doesn't work in comments.