I've seen many questions using the word command or commands. There are also questions writing macro or macros. Regarding tagging, which should be the master and which the synonym mapped to it? Until now, the tag [macros] is widely used. But it won't be a problem to merge it with [commands] if we desire. Or do you think, those terms may be separated?
Pro [commands]:
searching for "commands" gives 19 pages, searching for "macros" just 2. The latter is a result of the "macros" tag. (The search feature switches to tag search automatically.)
http://www.google.de/search?q=LaTeX+commands gives 3.100.000 results, http://www.google.de/search?q=LaTeX+macros gives 251.000.
LaTeX is a macro language. Does [macros] tell anything specific? Though we could distinguish between commands, environments, lengths, counters, ifs and more. I prefer to have [commands], [environments], [lengts] and so on.
For questions or searches regarding
, the number of arguments, starred forms and so on I believe the conceptual tag [commands] would seem more natural than [macros].
I don't wish to make a great fuss about just one tag, though commands and macros are a very basic concept and I'm interested in opinions.
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tag to just about every question?macros
instead ofcommands
is a bit 'security through obscurity' ;-) But you're right, addingcommands
(but alsomacros
) (to not general commands-related questions) might be tempting.custom-command
tag. Should that be merged?