Quick links (alphabetically)
Additional (math) operators, relations and so on ❧ Beamer ❧ Bibliographies and citations ❧ Classes and class options ❧ Core concepts ❧ Cooperation with editors and non-TeX applications ❧ Correct centering ❧ Cross-referencing, including hyperref ❧ Databases ❧ Date and Time ❧ Debugging & log files ❧ Disaster recovery ❧ Documentation & Definition of commands ❧ Figure/table numbering ❧ Figure/table (float) positioning and sizing ❧ Fonts & font encoding ❧ Front matter ❧ Images/Graphics ❧ Indexing and Glossaries ❧ Installing, updating, restoring, other system operations ❧ Lists, itemize, enumerate ❧ Math environments ❧ Meta TeX.SE ❧ Naming ❧ Old font macros ❧ Page layout and output ❧ Sectioning and blocks of text ❧ Source code related issues ❧ Spacing and pagination, hyphenation, line breaking ❧ Symbols ❧ Table formatting ❧ Teaching/learning resources, and examples ❧ Text as text ❧ Theorems and friends ❧ TikZ issues
I keep seeing the same bad coding styles being used in MWE or even recommended in answers or comments. There are also some FAQs (like the famous and repeatable asked how-to-place-my-figure-here question) which need to be linked to the appropriate existing question. Sometimes I have issues finding the related question quickly even if I already linked to it a couple of times before.
So I thought it would be good to have a collection of such often references questions sorted after topic in a meta post similar to our create Text building blocks.
Questions should be listed after topic. Every topic as CW answer to this post. Please use the following format:
## Topic Headline at Start of Answer Post
* [question title](http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/<question id>) [2 spaces] [linebreak]
``[question title](http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/<question id>)``
This way the question is provided as link (for quick access from this page) as well as markdown code suitable for comments (and as in-line link in a chat message). The URL can be received by using the link
link below a question. There is also an stackapps app (modified by me) which produces this format. The include /<user id>
should be removed to have the links in a neutral form. The two spaces and line break after the first line makes sure that the code starts at a new line.
Topic headers at the start of every answer post should be done using second order headlines, i.e. ## Topic
. The first order headlines are a little to large IMHO.