Quick stats (as of 7/29), compiled by hand :P
Total: 105
With >101 rep: 56
Committed: 376
Active in the past 48 hours: ???
This is sad - I thought committing meant more than this. Is there any way to email-blast the committers list again, or would that not be profitable?
Total: 169
Total > 48 hours old: 118
With zero upvoted answers: 13
With zero upvoted answers, > 48 hours old: 8
Without a selected answer: 108 (*1)
Jul 26: 50
Jul 27: 29
Jul 28: 14
Jul 29: 15
This gives an asked/answered percentage of a blazing 33% for questions over 2 days old. That is simply unacceptable for a site to be useful. It appears that many of the questioners are high-ranking, so I'll request that everyone who reads this goes to their user page and check all of their questions for answers, and accept one (the check mark under the voting arrows :) if it's acceptable!
Total: 231
With >1 use: 81 (*2)
With >2 uses: 39
(Less important than the above...)
Total badges awarded:
Bronze: 253
Silver: 0
Gold: 0
Badges awarded to at least one user:
Bronze: 14
Silver: 0
Gold: 0
Hope that this helps us get some perspective on the work that's left to be done at the moment! However, a page where we could view this would be much better. Something like the bootstrap counter.
*1 - IMO, anything over 2 days old should either be bumped because the existing answers are insufficient, or have an answer selected. Please comment.
*2 - No tags are used only once. This is weird.