Customizing the header and footer of documents consists of two tasks which are closely intertwined:

  • Choosing the default page style (e.g. empty, plain and headings) and choosing the page style for "special" (e.g. chapter-starting) pages. This is normally done using the commands \pagestyle and \thispagestyle. Some classes also provide macros for "special" page styles (e.g. KOMA-script's \chapterpagestyle).

  • Customizing the chosen page styles, especially headings. This is done either using the commands \markboth and \markright, or with the help of the packages fancyhdr or scrpage2.

At the moment, there are 77 questions tagged with , 26 questions tagged with and no questions tagged with or . Looking at all those questions, it seems that is used as sort of a general tag, i.e. also for questions that involve page styles:

On the other hand, is sometimes used for questions that don't involve page styles (or headers and footers) at all:

I propose that, after skimming through the questions tagged with and retagging them when appropriate, should be made a synonym of the more general tag, and existing questions should be merged.

  • 1
    Just to say that: I myself would find this a bit confusing (if I got it right that it means typing the tag "page-style" then yields "header-footer" on the post). Commented May 23, 2011 at 8:01
  • @Hendrik: Yes, you got it right, and yes, it would have to be explained in the tag wiki excerpt of {header-footer}.
    – lockstep
    Commented May 23, 2011 at 15:19

1 Answer 1


As about two weeks have passed and my proposal has gained some upvotes, I will start skimming through the questions tagged with and retagging those which don't involve page styles or headers and footers at all. After that, may be made a synonym of .

Here's my proposal for the "unified" tag wiki excerpt:

{header-footer} is about customizing the header and footer of documents. This involves choosing the appropriate page style for certain pages (e.g. empty, plain, headings) and (for the page styles employed) placing information like the current chapter/section title and page number. Popular packages are {fancyhdr} and {scrpage2}.

EDIT: I have finishing skimming and (where appropriate) retagging questions tagged with . There are 20 such questions left; 12 of them already feature the tag in addition to . The tag wiki excerpts have also been updated (i.e. in case of changed to a notice that this tag should no longer be used). I now ask a moderator to make a synonym of and to merge the existing questions.

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