Yesterday, a question was asked about Numbering figures and tables by their section. My answer, which was accepted, used the chngcntr package which allows to change the resetting of counters. I had answered a similar question some time ago, so I decided to a) provide a link to the old question b) create a new chngcntr tag so that potential future questioners would (hopefully) easier find the answers to their "counter-resetting" questions.
I admit that I should have created a tag wiki excerpt right then, as chngcntr is sort of "exhibit A" for an undecipherable tag name. But besides that -- and because of this chat comment by Andrew Stacey --, I'm starting to wonder about the usefulness of such "exotic" package tags. Is there a lower threshold of the number of affected questions that should be respected before new tags are created? (Obviously, a tag that is used only once doesn't make sense.) Which other factors, if any, should be taken into account?