There are two things I've noticed with respect to thesis questions.
- European (and possibly anywhere outside the US) requirements are generally minimal, while American requirements are detailed and awful.
- American students are often using existing thesis classes/packages that vary greatly in their quality.
The upshot of this is that the kinds of questions that arise are quite different, and the two groups (i.e. Americans and non-Americans) tend to think that their mode is the norm, which can lead to some confusion.
European students have questions like "What's a good package/class for a thesis?" or "Should I put my figures in the margins?". These are often questions about typography and layout. Such questions are completely foreign to American students, since they are bound by bizarre typewriter-era fixed requirements.
American students have questions like "My table of contents must have the word "Page" on top of the page numbers. How do I do this?" or "I'm working with this (awful) package supplied by some random person at my university, and it doesn't do X correctly."
Because of these different requirements, I wonder whether a generic community wiki type question set is appropriate.
I created the thesis class that I maintain out of frustration of dealing with students who were trying to roll their own, or using existing templates of dubious quality. For American students, a question like "How do I create a thesis class for my university" might be useful.