Although it's not in the list, I took the liberty of adding my TQFT answer to this package. I've yet to write the documentation, but otherwise it's ready for testing. As a standalone style file, it can be downloaded from
Here's a sample test file:
\begin{tikzpicture}%[tqft flow=east]
\foreach \coord/\style in {
{(0,0)}/{tqft view from=outgoing,fill},
{(5,0)}/{tqft view from=incoming,draw},
{(0,-10)}/{fill=orange,fill opacity=.5,tqft boundary lower style={draw,blue,ultra thin,dashed},tqft boundary upper style={draw,green},tqft cobordism style={draw,purple},tqft boundary style={fill=yellow}},
{(5,-10)}/{fill=orange,fill opacity=.5,pair of pants,tqft cobordism style={draw,purple},tqft boundary style={fill=yellow,draw=green}}%
} {
\edef\styleit{\noexpand\tikzset{every node/.style={\style}}}
\node[pair of pants] (a) at \coord {};
\node[reverse pair of pants,anchor=incoming boundary 1] (b) at (a.outgoing boundary 2) {};
\node[cylinder to prior,anchor=incoming boundary] (c) at (b.outgoing boundary) {};
\node[cylinder to next,anchor=outgoing boundary] (d) at (b.incoming boundary 2) {};
\node[tqft cylinder,anchor=incoming boundary] (e) at (a.outgoing boundary 1) {};
\node[tqft cylinder,anchor=incoming boundary] (f) at (e.outgoing boundary) {};
\node[reverse pair of pants,anchor=incoming boundary 1] (g) at (f.outgoing boundary) {};
\node[tqft cap,anchor=outgoing boundary] (h) at (a.incoming boundary) {};
\node[tqft cup,anchor=incoming boundary] (i) at (g.outgoing boundary) {};
With result: