I proposed in chat that we put together a "Best of TikZ on TeX-SX" package. There have been some really neat answers to problems developed on the site, and I think it would be nice to put them together in to some sort of easily usable state. My reasons are:
- It's easier to download a single package/style file than to cut and paste a load of code from here, there, and everywhere into ones preamble.
- Some of the code could do with a bit of polishing (for example, putting in to a macro, hiding internal bits) that are standard when making a package, but not when posting an answer here.
- Publicity: Ideally, these would get used and the people who used them would find out about us.
By doing this as a collective venture, I hope that:
- It is a real community project. I'm not so naive that I think that loads of people will do the necessary work, but hopefully lots of people will see what's going on and at least feel as though it's based on the community's collective work.
- It isn't loads of work for any one person. Most of the stuff I'm thinking of is already workable, so I'm hoping it won't take too much work to put it together.
- This is only the first of many ...
On that last note, I'm picking TikZ because it's the area I think I've contributed most to. Also, there's a reasonable volume of TikZ answers here to choose from, and a good number of people contributing them.
First Steps: We need some code to put in the package, and some volunteers willing to take part. I think that we can adapt the SE software to gather all that information here! So:
- If you like or dislike the idea, vote on this question accordingly.
- Propose (and link to) TikZ/PGF answers on the main site that you would like to see in such a package in answers to this question, one link per answer. Also vote for those you like (but the people who volunteer to put it together will have the final say). Please bear in mind that to be worth putting in a package, it has to be something that you can envision being used several times. Proposing your own answers is not only acceptable but actively encouraged. If, when reading an answer, something occurs to you as a possible improvement, please make a note of it (just the idea at this stage).
- In one answer, we can collect names of volunteers who are willing to do a bit of extra work polishing the answers. I'll start this off, make it CW, and "accept" it (when I can) to ensure that it is easily distinguished from the rest.
Template for proposals
### TikZ/PGF Answer:
### Brief Description:
### Possible Improvements:
Further discussion on this topic is available here:
east north east
, for points at 25% and 75% of the height and width.