So I recently learned about the review page. What other unlinked goodies pages exist?


5 Answers 5

  • See a breakdown of your reputation: https://tex.stackexchange.com/reputation
  • User ranking per week, month, year and all time (not exactly secret, but not linked from here): http://stackexchange.com/leagues/29/week/tex
  • A little known feature -- formatting key combinations: Ctrl + Meta + X

    <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Meta</kbd> + <kbd>X</kbd>

  • If you click on the "days" against the "visited" field in your user profile, you can see when exactly you failed to get your daily fix on TeX-SE.
  • Tags on meta can also be linked: [tag-meta:status-bydesign]
  • What is the key combination for? The Meta key is the left Windows key, isn't it? Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 13:43
  • @Martin: This is just an example: you can write anything you want between the <kbd> tags. Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 13:44
  • 1
    Sorry, I didn't realized that you meant the XML syntax. :-) In this context I thought this combination brings you from the main to the meta page or something like that. Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 13:46
  • Wow, the list of days that I visited various SE sites is rather scary to contemplate. Commented Jun 25, 2011 at 13:36
  • <kbd>hello. testing. this works or does' not work in comments? . </kbd>
    – user32552
    Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 18:21
  • <kbd>testinbg</kbd>
    – user32552
    Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 18:21

Pages, for which I suggest we should edit them:

  • How to ask (pointing to minimal working example, perhaps to 1-2 excellently written questions as examples)

  • How to answer (mentioning screenshots, linking packages to CTAN, pointing to excellently written answers as examples and to answer style discussion on meta)

These two pages could be linked from the FAQ.

  • 1
    Wouldn't it be better if we have everything in one CW answer? Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 14:00
  • @Hendrik, Stefan: IMHO the whole thread should be a CW. On some point we should create some CW sitemap out of all these links. Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 14:07
  • @Martin, @Hendrik: yes, we usually decide to use CW for such big-list threads. A summarizing CW post at the top (accepted) would be fine. I don't see a harm though in posting answers while collecting - this way votes (also CW) would show which page are the most liked or most popular, kind of sorting.
    – Stefan Kottwitz Mod
    Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 14:21
  • @Stefan: Ah, good, I didn't look at it this way. Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 14:24
  • @Stefan: I added one sentence to the inbox description; maybe you find a better formulation. Commented Feb 24, 2011 at 9:19
  • @Hendrik: thanks, additionally mentioning the other SE sites is useful. Now I added the how-to pages.
    – Stefan Kottwitz Mod
    Commented Feb 24, 2011 at 9:36

http://<site>/posts/<postid>/timeline. For example https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/posts/1001/timeline


You can get a data dump from your reputation at: https://tex.stackexchange.com/reputation

The ninja search options are listed under https://tex.stackexchange.com/search which also appears on an empty search text. It's not really hidden, but I just found it recently.

Not a secret page but useful to know: If the mouse pointer is placed above the post date, i.e. the "answered x unit ago", the full date and time is displayed.

List of suggested tag synonyms: https://tex.stackexchange.com/tags/synonyms


In comments, you can insert shorthand links:

  • [meta] – link to the current site's Meta; link text is the site name (e.g. "Super User Meta"). Does nothing if the site doesn't have (or already is) a Meta site.

  • [main] – like [meta], just the other way around.

  • [edit] – link to the edit page for the post the comment is on, i.e. /posts/{id}/edit. Link text is "edit" (capitalization is respected).

  • [tag:tagname] and [meta-tag:tagname] – link to the given tag's page. Link text is the name of the tag. meta-tag only works on meta sites.

  • [faq], [faq#anchor], [meta-faq], [meta-faq#anchor] – link to the FAQ. Link text is "faq" (capitalization is respected). meta-faq only works on meta sites.

  • [so], [su], [sf], [metaso], [a51], [se] – link to the given site. Link text is the site name.

  • [chat] – link to the current site's chat site, the link text being "{site name} Chat".

  • [ask], [answer] – link to the "How to Ask" / "How to Answer" page.

  • [something.se] – link to something.stackexchange.com, if that site exists. Link text is the site name. Use [ubuntu.se] for Ask Ubuntu.


This feature is discussed at meta.so: Add data.SE style "magic links" to comments. As a little demo, I'm adding the demo comment from that thread to this post. Its source is:

"On [main], you are expected to write proper English (as advertised on [english.se]), but here on [metaso] it's more important to have freehand circles, so please [edit] your post, otherwise I'll have to flag you (see the [FAQ#flagging]). If you're unsure how to use your keyboard, [su] is the right place to ask. There's no Q&A site about unicorns yet, but you can suggest one on [area51.se]."

  • 3
    "On TeX - LaTeX, you are expected to write proper English (as advertised on English Language & Usage), but here on Meta Stack Exchange it's more important to have freehand circles, so please edit your post, otherwise I'll have to flag you (see the FAQ). If you're unsure how to use your keyboard, Super User is the right place to ask. There's no Q&A site about unicorns yet, but you can suggest one on Area 51."
    – doncherry
    Commented Aug 23, 2011 at 16:15

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