Dear users I sent the following request to the Stack Overflow team who suggested I submit it to the website contact I sent on 12/30/16 but still have not had any response. Could anyone give me some advice?
As a Italian teacher, in relation art.1, paragraph 124, of Law 107 of 2015 concerning teacher training, are obliged to have played a certain number of hours, to be diluted in the three-year duration of the training plan issued by the Ministry of Education University and Research. I ask if it is possible to improve the site, inserting a clock, indicating the duration of access weekly, monthly and yearly.
Dear Werner, I thank you for your very comprehensive detailed response and I apologize for the delay from bad internet network connection in my area. Unfortunately the pages are in Italian, and you insert the link of the 107/2015 law that relates to my professional training. If you enter a watch that would mark the time of access to the site is not possible, it would, at least for my teaching activities, useful to have a certificate generated by the site where you can detect my skills up to date on progress.
I will wait patiently your reply hoping that I can, oneday to have a document for my supplementary educational activities. The service offered by Stack Exchange are excellent from every point of view and I had the chance to know, albeit virtually, teachers / highly trained people like you. My best regards. Sebastiano