I just reviewed some unanswered questions to get on the list for the next clean up. I stumbled upon the books tag, the tag wiki says:
books is for questions which deal with books about TeX, LaTeX and other topics of this site. For questions regarding design and layout of books use book-design instead.
There are currently 116 questions marked. I started with the newest answers first, and most of them should be tagged book instead. I collected the links to questions are are correctly tagged (unexpectedly many I have to say). Some of them should maybe tagged documentation, but this is ok for me.
The second part needs attention because neither books nor book apply.
116 - 41 - 13 = 62
62 questions that could be retagged to book. Unfortunately, i didn't collect the links to them. Would have saved some time.
What do we do? Retag them in the next two weeks? tohecz retagged the space questions a while ago. Are there any alternatives coming to mind?
The topic was raised in a little different manner a while back: The {books} and {book-design} tags
Tag applies
- Books for Library
- What is the best book with american typography rules?
- Are there good books retracing the history of (La)TeX?
- Looking for an ebook about typography that used to be part of a package
- What non-free books are available and recommended?
- Why should I buy a TeX/LaTeX guide book?
- Electronic version of Knuth's "TeXbook"?
- LaTeX Companions Third Revised Boxed Set, The
- An old italian translation of The TeXbook
- The TeXbook: Spiral or hard-cover binding?
- Is there any textbook for XeLaTeX?
- LaTeX Introductions in languages other than English
- a book recommendation for doing graphics in beamer
- How does TeX actually work?
- Where do I start learning conditional tests in LaTeX?
- LaTeX Companion as an ebook
- New Edition of TeXBook
- \@ifnextchar and friends documentation
- A critique of TeX?
- What book do you recommend for new Tex users?
- LaTeX presentations like OpenOffice .odp
- Learning TeX via the TeXbook
- What is the latest edition of Knuth's "Computers & Typesetting" Series?
- Resources for learning about contributed packages
- Beyond Bringhurst: mathematical typesetting
- If I'm about to write a book on LaTeX, should I wait for a LaTeX3 release?
- Topics for a book about LuaTeX
- Which books can I read via texdoc?
- How on earth did Knuth do it?
- What are good advanced LaTeX books?
- Are there any good general typesetting books / references?
- Good LaTeX book for Math beginner
- Should I read Donald Knuth's The TeXbook?
- Brown paper strip on page 125 of The METAFONTbook
- Good XeTeX Books
- Help in choosing LaTeX2e books in light of LaTeX3 development
- Reference about "modern" LaTeX usage for scientific works
- Where can I find good ConTeXt documentation
- Is there a comprehensive and complete LaTeX reference?
- Which manuals are on your "TeX Reference" shelf?
- What are good learning resources for a LaTeX beginner?
Complete retag needed
- "LaTeX does not work well for people who have sold their souls"?
- Links of book templates
- Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms Fourth Edition Style in LaTeX
- Typeset Like Jackson's E&M
- Latex style that resembles the one used in some computer science books
- Unix Text Processing
- TeX family tree with timeline?
- References for learning how to check for typesetting problems
- Authoring RPG books in LaTeX: what packages to use?
- How to write a book in LaTeX?
- Varying images at varying positions in Book and Memoir class chapter styles
- The cross-reference boxes in TeX: the program
- Comprehensive book on Kile
is not the tag for the standardbook
class (likereport