As I was typing an answer I realized that I cannot type , in main answer window. I was watching the preview window while typing **, and I could see only one asterisk and a comma. That is, in the preview window I see , instead of *,. I tried "", then in the preview window I see "",. The only way out was to include a space between * and the comma. That is, if I type ** , then I can see ** , in the preview window.

Even here, the preview window acts strangely. The above paragraph is unreadable in the preview window. If I retype only the first sentence (of the above paragraph) then the two asterisks and the comma shows up fine. See below.

As I was typing an answer I realized that I cannot type **, in main answer window.

Does ** has a special assignment in an answer window?


1 Answer 1


** is Markdown syntax for bold text, **text** gives text.

* is for italic text, *text* gives text.

So, if you type simply asterisks, you would see the formatting in the preview change. However, you can escape the meaning by a backslash, as I did here: \*\*.

  • Is there a way to type asterisks? Such as **?
    – Sony
    Nov 25, 2011 at 15:41
  • Apparently, I answered my own question. :)
    – Sony
    Nov 25, 2011 at 15:42

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